Livigno Skymarathon

Due epic races in Livigno, from flowering meadows to rocky ridges, from downtown to snow: a dreamy scenery! During Skymarathon, runners faced four particularly challenging peaks: Mount Motto (2700 mt.), … Read More

HAPPY EASTER: happiness is love!

CARI OSPITI E AMICI, se dovessimo pensare al migliore augurio per voi, non ci verrebbe in mente nulla di più bello della felicità. Quindi vi auguriamo di trascorrere la Pasqua … Read More

ALPENFEST Livigno 20-22 september 2019

The return of the cattle from the summer transhumance will actualize in this event starring breeders with their heads of cattle, adorned with precious bells and garlands, in an exhibition … Read More

View from Crap de la Parè

This hike to Crap de la Parè is suitable to everyone, included our little curious guests; escorted by our guide Marco we start off from Passo Eira, to climb up … Read More